No Waste! Food waste is terrible for us. That's why we do everything we can to avoid this. consumption nutrition 0
Supplier Partnerships We know many suppliers personally and have been working with them for a long time. networks nutrition 0
The SDGs We try to implement the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in all areas of the company. consumption diversity employees equipment guidelines inclusion marketing mobility nutrition 0
Green Chefs The hotel has been a member of the Green Chefs initiative since 2019. consumption marketing nutrition 0
We buy only sustainable products! All products and devices that are purchased are selected according to their sustainability. consumption equipment nutrition 0
Cooperation with Nägelhof Since the opening of our food vending machine, we have been offering products from the Nagelhof. consumption networks nutrition 0
Completely local In addition to the organic certification, we attach great importance to the regionality of the products consumption networks nutrition 0
The TinyShop There are selected, sustainable products in our TinyShop. consumption equipment nutrition 0
Organic? Of course! We offer numerours organic products at our breakfast buffet . consumption nutrition 0
Fruits from the garden There are many different fruit trees on the property of the hotel. garden nutrition 0
Cups made from pressed coffee grounds In the hotel lobby, guests are served coffee in cups made from pressed, recycled coffee grounds. consumption equipment nutrition 0
Fresh from the garden Marga Förtsch's home-made jelly made from hotel roses was already well known in the past. garden nutrition 0
Breakfast with a clear conscious Breakfast at the hotel consists exclusively of regional, organic and/or fair trade products. nutrition 0
Our organic partner restaurant “Muskat” The organic restaurant Muskat has been our partner restaurant for many years. networks nutrition 0
Erlanger care package During the first Corona lockdown, the hotel developed the “Erlanger Care Package”. consumption employees nutrition 0
Drinking Water Drinking water is such an important commodity that we installed a tap right in our lobby. equipment nutrition 0